Funny Vocaloid Memes Cool Cat Saves the Kids Full Movies

I watched this movie and I still can't believe this is the actual cover art for it.
God I wrote so many notes about this that even my flipping Bullet Points were basically an essay. I don't even know how to begin just thinking about it hurts my head.
Overview: Cool Cat is Cool. Things happen to him, and he has to deal with bullying.
That's it. That's the thing I watched. Because there is no Real Flipping Plot to this movie.

This is a kid's show. Or at the very minimum, a movie that is intended for children. It was based on a kid's book series I've never heard of whose author Derek Savage decided to turn it into a movie. Though movie isn't exactly what I would call it. When you watch it, it honestly feels like there are six 15 minute shorts that they just mashed together to a feature film, but even then that is a Generous Description.
Basically, the film tries to be a children's program (and I guess has beef with Barney?). And you can see intent behind it being informative child-friendly psa. But the execution was so bad.
First, there is no plot. Sure the cover says that this is "an anti-bullying kid gun safety movie," but it really give you nothing. What would happen is that Cool Cat has a problem, like someone bullying him or his friends. It would either A) be addressed immediately and solved so that's great, or B) it is dropped immediately and never really addressed throughout the rest of the film.
And example of A is that the bully kid Butch just starts stealing candy just to be "evil," Cool Cat sees that and chases him, and the kid gets arrested twenty seconds later. The End.
For B, Cool Cat gets a mean email. And…that's about it. He responds to the email, but doesn't actually address the issue and the subplot drops entirely until that VERY Last wrap up scene.
I think the reason for this lack of plot is that there was just WAY too many messages in here. Like, take a shot every time you see a psa announcement. It ranges from don't bully, how to deal with bullies, being creative, crossing the street safely, to fricking GUN?! Like, the gun thing that I Guess was promoted in the movie tagline, only shows up the last 10 minutes. It caught me so off guard. You cannot call this a Gun Safety movie when guns aren't even prevalent!!
And the lack of plot is counterproductive when you want to make a Kid's Movie like this. If you want to tackle each issue as a show or a short, the messages would come across better. There would be more time to develop each message for kids to really understand. But because there is So Much to cover, a lot of the things are gonna fall to the wayside. There is no way a kid would pay attention to this, and if they do I doubt they are gonna learn everything that Derek Savage is trying to teach. There just isn't any real focus.

The acting, god like they Tried to go with the kid friendly vibe, but was not working. At All. It was like they thought that to add emotion is to just enunciate your words as loudly as you can. Cool Cat was way too yelly. Every line he was just screaming, has no change whatsoever. Even Elmo can sound sad when need be (fucking love Elmo, but he does has a similar voice vibe to Cool Cat, just better).
Then the kids….I don't want to be mean but I'll be blunt. They are just reading lines, this is a middle school stage play basically. I'm not blaming the kids, Butch look like he had a hell of a time doing his villain laugh. It's just that some of the scenes felt like it was taken in one shot and they didn't bother to retry. Example: One kid got too excited and jumped his line, but they couldn't just retake that??
And the lines, man. OOF. Some of it was bad. Like, really really bad placement.They should have had someone proof-read this.
Cool Cat: "Why Are You Painting That Wall?"
Random Kid: "Because Nobody Loves Us"
lol what?
Maria: "I bet those kids have never been shown love before."
Cool Cat: "Thanks, and it's all true"
LOL What??
There are just a LOT of lines like that that should have been rephrased.
THEN there are the freaking technical issues.
The audio kept fluctuating in sound quality, which honestly started to hurt with Cool Cat's constant yelling. Some scenes it sounds like they recorded in a studio, sometimes it sounded like the actors had to yell in order for the camera to capture it. There were echos, there were layers, you can't hear the lines over the song, you can't hear the song over the cheers. There was one point whispers overlaid on top of the lines where I thought that Cool Cat just got haunted now. And the fun side of having headphones on means I heard the phone button noises in only One Ear. LOUDLY.
Blocking could have been better. There were a lot of backs to the camera, shots of characters walking away from camera not just off screen. This didn't bother me as much, because I know this isn't professionally made. But it didn't feel like they really tried as much as just half-assed it. Example:
Cool Cat was drawing a picture with different colors, but the actor only used one marker and just said different colors. Or Cool Cat is working on a poster but really just rubs the already completed poster on a clean table as him "working." Like, how hard is it to just film on a table with a bunch of craft supplies around you?
Then there are the questionable camera shots. LOTS of lingering shots to I assume fill up run time. These are shots of just showing Cool Cat walking round without having any real purpose. It shows Cool Catwalk all the way Up Stairs. Walked all the way Down Stairs. Walking into the House, walking into the Car. Even just shots of the parents doing things with no real motivation or impact to whatever Cool Cat is doing. It's just there. If you want to say stuff like "oh well its to show the parents relationship" no it doesn't. You can't really add nuance to characters when the rest of the film is just one chaotic shot after the other. It just gets lost in translation.

The music number is probably what hurts me the most. You see Cool Cat WRITE the song. Then he SINGS the song. Then he DANCES to a DIFFERENT song. And that was it. He just needed the song for the parade, but there wasn't any explanation or anything. I don't even know WHY he needs the song for the parade! There was no explanation. It was just an excuse to have two back-to-back bad music video of poor choreography that again, NO POINT to whatever plot/message/psa thing he is trying to do.

I get that there should be some leeway since it looked like this was shot at Derek Savage's house/neighborhood, so there really isn't much they could do with their setting. But they could at least tried more with what they had. Cool Cat's room doesn't look exactly child friendly. There are only blank drab walls with two, maybe three posters of just Cool Cat himself. There is a reason the settings in other children shows have vibrant colors to engage them. Along with that, another half-assing moment was Butch graffiting Cool Cat's poster, but it was one of those political posters you stuck on the lawn so it was like a foot tall outside. 1) You can't really see that shit that small. 2) You couldn't put the poster on a wall to film that scene at, to give a better view to the audience? It's just a bunch of little things like that all over this film that really adds up.
Also, what's with the posters only being about Cool Cat in his own room? A bit narcissistic if you ask me.
I'm also like 70%,sure they made this movie around the footage of them being in the Hollywood parade twice. They were at the parade, got the film, and wanted to use it so they made a movie for it. And I know it was twice because the announcers that were there to announce the arrival of Cool Cat had a costume change after switching scenes.
And after ALL of this, there is just so many random shit that really don't do anything. Elements are randomly introduced and just as randomly dropped. We get a "next day" transition in the middle of the movie when days have already passed before them. Cool Cat breaks the 4th wall a couple of times with no real reason why. There is this joke where the camera was following Cool Cat into the bathroom for Cool Cat to ask for privacy, only to just ignore that bit every time he goes to the bathroom afterwards. Cool Cat just makes random ass noises when doing things, not important stuff. Just Doing Things. And he does this weird thing where I think he is trying to do Air Guitar, but it just looks like he is just shaking his leg a lot. I don't really get it.
(Oh Shit, it is only after like the 3rd proof-read of this review I notice that in the gif you can clearly see the dude's actual leg. I don't know how mascot suits actually work, but I'm pretty sure that you're not supposed to let kids actually see that there's a person underneath in a kid's show.)

There is also this….lowkey humblebrag going on? Which does not do the movie favors. After the first dumb song number, Derek shows off that he has a signed guitar by Van Halen. Like not just him playing it (which after the 15th zoom in on the guitar how could you NOT notice it thank you Derek), but pointing out to the audience that, Yes it was Indeed signed by Van Halen. Then there is the footage from the Hollywood Parade about the cars there. Sure, I get showing off like the Ghostbusters car, or Jurassic Park car, or the Batmobile. But Hurby the Love Bug? Night Rider?? Starsky and Hutch??? Magnum P.I.?????? The target audience is elementary kids, they aren't going to know these old shows. So who is this for exactly?
Kudos to the cop for actually doing this, seriously. That cop probably had a hell of a lot of better things to do than arrest children for a bad after-school special.
And this is just SOME of the main problems of this film. There's so much going on it would be impossible for me to go over everything without
The thing is, there is good material here. Maybe not great results, but there are a lot of ideas here that you can work with to make a decent kid's movie. I actually loved the part where Cool Cat is dreaming and trying to figure out how he should handle bullies. I thought that was a good scene and a good way to show kids how to think through different options. There are good ideas here, but it was just way to much going on at once the movie basically shoots itself in the foot.
So here is My Version of what Cool Cat should have done.
Cool Cat is running for School President. That's the main story line. Early in the movie he learns of a writing contest where the winner gets their own float at the hollywood parade (stretch but roll with it). But Cool Cat has no idea what to write, and talks to it with his friends who offers ideas. So he is juggling that along with running for Student President.
However, the Butch the Bully doesn't like that. He doesn't want Cool Cat to win. So he vandalizes his posters. Cool cat still runs and makes better posters. Butch tries to frame Cool Cat for vandalizing the playground, but instead his cronies get caught and convinced that it was a bad idea. So Butch decides to cyberbully Cool Cat and his friends to scare them off. He works with the other kid running for President to make a hate ad against Cool Cat, telling everyone how terrible and bad Cool Cat is. Cool Cat tries to go against this my making his music video song over how cool he is to swing the votes, making Butch more angry and vindictive to his bullying scheme.
Cool Cat doesn't know how to get Butch to stop, but after getting advice from his friends, parents, teachers, and some hard thinking, he decides to confront Butch about his bullying issue, tell someone, and thus solves the problem. Later on after talking to Butch, maybe manages to convince him to start being friends.
Finally, Cool Cat uses this scenario to write his story about how to deal with bullying and make new friends. Which wins and we end with the Hollywood Parade.
Is this perfect? No. But it focuses the idea to one main plot (running for president) with the other issues naturally coming off of it, instead of making each issue it's own separate thing. There is no random shifts in narrative, no GUN moments (or GUN in general we kick that shit out) and just focus on the main bullying theme.
Overall: This was a weird and bad children's show. You have to put in a lot of effort into making a movie, but there was just too much going on for this to be a Good Children's Movie, least of all a Good Movie in general. But it isn't to say that it wasn't morbidly enjoyable. It's was like playing Spot The Difference to find all the Wrong Things in here. It was fun in a bad way.
So will I show this to children? No. But will I play a drinking game with my friends where we take a shot every time someone says the phrase "Cool Cat"? Yeah that sounds enjoyable.
Take a shot for every time you read "Cool Cat" in my review.
Side Note:

You had this as a GUN PSA, wtf are you doing holding a gun!? Given how the only 3 videos this channel has is only Cool Cat Trailers, I'm assuming this is official Cool Cat. Soooo…..what the hell?
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